Getting off to the best possible start can play a key part in your breastfeeding journey.
Four key factors have been identified by WHO and UNICEF as being important in establishing and sustaining breastfeeding:
- A breastfeed within the first hour of life – skin-to-skin contact after delivery can help to get this started.
- Exclusive breastfeeding – breastfed babies do not need any other food or drinks, including water for at least the first six months.
- Breastfeeding when your baby displays signs of being hungry, such as sucking fingers and licking lips, and for as long as your baby wants i.e. until your baby comes off the breast by themselves and has completed the feed.
- Avoiding the use of bottles, teats or dummies, including nipple shields.
Some ideas to help you find more information include:
Read and download the NHS and UNICEF leaflet Off to the Best Start or the NHS Health Scotland leaflet Off to A Good Start for good general information including skin to skin and the first feed.
Think about going along to a local drop-in group where you can talk to other breastfeeding mums about their experiences. Find out here if there is a group near you.
Bookmark or favourite the BfN and National Breastfeeding Helpline websites on your phone, laptop or tablet so you can always find our helpline numbers or access our online chat facility. You could even give them a call if you would like to speak to someone while you are pregnant.


Your breastmilk in the first week

How to breastfeed

Responsive breastfeeding

Establishing and increasing your milk supply