The scheme is open to any business, venue or organisation that wishes to sign up to show that they welcome and support breastfeeding families. Businesses can choose to sign up individually or across a whole group of premises. Local authorities (and others) can purchase the scheme to run in their local area and use the materials to sign up as many local businesses and organisations as they wish.
BfN volunteers, volunteers from other organisation, breastfeeding mums or anyone who supports breastfeeding can also use the materials to approach businesses, organisations or venues they think might like to join the scheme.
How do I join the scheme?
- If you want to join the scheme you need to complete the online form here
- All the printed materials can be downloaded from our website and they are free to use.
- The pack contains information about the scheme and about the benefits of supporting breastfeeding
- You will need to display the poster sheet, the staff information and the certificate of commitment in your business/premises.
- If you wish to have a sticker to display you can buy these from our website shop for a cost of £5 for two stickers (one to display inside your premises and one to display on a window) There are discounts available for ordering more than 10 stickers.
- If you would like your business or organisation to be included on our website BfF venue locator there is an annual cost of £25 per venue per year. This covers the cost of us providing this service. If you choose not to renew your annual subscription to the venue locator your premises will be removed, but you are still very welcome to continue to display the sticker/poster etc in your premises.
Commissioning the scheme in your area
There are a couple of different options for commissioning the scheme for a specific area
- You can download all the printed materials for free from our website and use them however you choose in your local area. For a minimal cost (£5) we can also provide you with a print ready copy of the sticker for you to get your own copies printed in whatever numbers you require)
- You can buy the printed materials and stickers from us as packs in multiples of 50 for a cost of £400 per 50 packs. If you chose this option you can also have up to two additional logos added to the printed materials if you wish
- If you would like the businesses that sign up in your area to be included on our website venue locator there would be an annual charge for this service. The cost is £800 per year for up to 100 premises. Please contact us to get the cost for over 100 premises
- If you would like to order multiple printed packs or use to the venue locator for a large number of venues please email breastfeedingfriendly@breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk to discuss your requirements, place your order or request an invoice.
- In some areas you can also commission the BfN to manage and promote the scheme to local businesses and organisations. Please contact breastfeedingfriendly@breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk if you would like to find out more about this
For more information have a look at our Frequently asked questions (below)
You can download the Breastfeeding Friendly pack and find out more here
Breastfeeding Friendly scheme – general information
Breastfeeding Friendly scheme – Information for staff and volunteers
Breastfeeding Friendly scheme – Sign up form
Breastfeeding Friendly scheme – Frequently asked questions
Breastfeeding Friendly scheme – Certificate of commitment
Breastfeeding Friendly scheme – Poster
You can also email breastfeedingfriendly@breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk or visit our Facebook page @BfNBreastfeedingFriendly